Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More Purple and Green!

I found this piece yesterday, which apparently I had done several months ago and forgotten about - I used one of my favorite color schemes, which is coincidentally very close to Sharon B.'s TIF Challenge palette. Interesting! Anyway - the response to my "crazy quilt" needlepoint things has been tremendous - very gratifying, so I have decided to soon offer the patterns and instructions via e-mail, in the form of "e-patterns" (on my web page) which will be sent in PDF form to be printed out and enjoyed for creating one's own projects in the colors of choice, preferably just pulled from one's own stash. This is easier for everyone, I think, as there is no waiting for a package to arrive in the mail, and the thing will be quite inexpensive besides, as it involves no painted canvas, no trip to the post office, no printing expenses, on my end of it. Also, if you spill your morning coffee or afternoon tea on it, you can just print out another one. My web page is undergoing yet another revision, as I have not tended it like I should - and it looks a bit shabby and incomplete and disorganized at the moment - but this too shall pass. P.S. Please note, when enlarging this picture for a better view, that the French knots are quite tidy and nice looking. So far, nothing has fallen out.

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