I found this fish in my grandson's room where my daughter had put it for a bit of cheerful color - on a high shelf where he couldn't grab it, of course. I made it for her many years ago and had forgotten about it. I think it was my first foray into using novelty threads and beads, etc., to create effects - and a piece of costume jewelry was the inspiration. As I remember, I just painted the colors areas as flat - and then drew squares where I wanted the "rubies" to be. - the rest was a simple matter of stitching with shiny and sparkly threads and inserting beads!! Those green things are "emeralds" made with Rainbow Gallery Frosty Rays. My friend Vikki Pinson did the finishing for me - made it as she does so well with a slightly padded surface on a stiff back with a little easel for standing on a table or shelf. I really like the clever addition of the "sailor's knot" she made with the surrounding cording. This first little experiment has led to lots and lots of other experiments with beads and "jewels" - an evolution of techniques. Lots of fun! At the time I made this piece, I didn't know that the fish could be made just fish shaped and finished to hang as an ornament. I am still learning, it seems.