NEEDLEPOINT CRAZY QUILT: Christmas stocking A genuine Victorian Crazy Quilt from the mid to late 19th century is a visual "feast," and worth studying from many aspects: The orderly chaos of the patches, the fabrics and colors, and, above all, the embellishments. As a needlepoint designer, I have, from time to time over the years, played around with interepreting the effects on canvas. Lately, in the last few years, I have especially enjoyed this avenue of creativity, as the variety of threads , beads, and other such delights - including silk ribbon for embroidery and making flowers - seems endless. My usual approach to a new design is to plan and draw the canvas first, and then go buy threads for the stitching. However, in the true spirit of the earliest of the C.Q. patchwork, I pulled out my thread stashes, and decided from what is already available, the colors and textures of the patches. And ---- instead of sticking to the old traditional colors (which I love), I am, as the earliest patchworkers did, creating f rom what I have! (of course if I run short, I can always go to the nearest needlepoint shop for more.) The picture is of a Christmas "mini-stocking," all bright and glittery. I endeavored to reproduce the textures of various fabrics - velvets, satins, gingham or houndstooth checks, twill, etc. The embellishments will be added soon - and will include silk ribbon flowers and embroidery stitches along the "seam lines." Notice that the "Lace" is actually stitched right into the needlepoint with bump stitches, rather than gluing on a piece of lace, as I have seen done. The "ruby" bracelet is mine (my birthstone) - and was an afterthought (or wishful thinking). I rather like it.!!!!! Come back in a few days to see the finished piece - ribbon roses and all.