I was cruising around in my "favorites" this morning, and found that my young friend in Kentucky, Jill Howard of the beautiful primitive dolls, now has a new blog! Several years ago, on a day that was a really bad one for me, the mail carrier handed me a box - which upon opening, reduced me to immediate joyful tears. It was the most beautiful, pitiful and homely doll looking up at me with her little eyes, and she has been a dear companion and stayed close to me since. I named her "Miss Emma Jane" after my great grandmother - and she is now sitting on top of the original Emma Jane's butter churn - which my grandmother used also when I was a very small child. During WWII, when I was visiting the farm in Austin, Grandmother let me "help" her churn on this thing. I also imagined that I was helping by milking the cow, Shirley, - and that is a picture of me sitting on top of this cow, whom I named after my glamorous Aunt Shirley. I'm not too sure she was as flattered as I thought she should be. The darning egg was also my grandmother's, and I can remember her sitting in her rocking chair darning socks for my grandfather. I was really thrilled to find these things in the attic of the house when I cleaned it out - and have made a kind of permanent "comfort zone" with these items. Besides, I think they are rather decorative!! Anyway - thanks again, Jill, for this wonderful little companion. I am living at my daughter's house right now, waiting for a new home - and Miss Emma Jane is right beside me.