The soul requires creativity, whether planning and planting a garden, cooking a fine meal, or - in my case - producing a piece of visual/tactile artwork in the medium of fiber arts. Since discovering the Art Crazy Quilters via Sharon B.'s blog - and from there, "Allie's in Stitches." I have felt like a student at the Prado (Spain's wonderful fine arts museum) - learning technique by copying the masters and then developing my own style. My venture into the CQ format several years ago was simply to provide attractive and interesting backgrounds and shapes for silk ribbon flowers. At the present time I am intently studying the seam embellishments - especially on curved seams, which I had not done before due to the evenweave grid of needlepoint canvas. There has to be a balance on a piece of needlepoint between stitching the background (entertainment value) and embellishment, which is the icing on the cake and more instant gratification. (in some cases) Sooooo - this means simplify, while trying to achieve the same lovely effect. One more ornament from the Fan Quilt - and this one will be great tree decor when finished with tassel and beads. I won't repeat the picture of the original block I used as inspiration, as it is in two previous posts - last month, I think - or you can see it on Allison's blog under the border blocks for the Fan Quilt - or "seam treatments."