I didn't realize until I was looking in my picture file for this piece that it is in keeping with the beautiful colors Sharon B. has chosen for us this month - of course I will refrain from telling Marilyn about the "discarded kitchen sink" palette.
Anyway, her latest project has been to do a "wedding pillow" for friends of her daughter's. I don't think the bride has chosen her colors, yet, but we thought that doing a rather understated and elegant piece would endure over the years - and is more likely to be treasured by any future offspring. Sometimes, as sweet as they are, a lot of hearts and bells and winding ribbons become a bit cloying in the general decor of the home, and they get relegated to a trunk in the attic.
The couple's names and the wedding date will be machine embroidered on the back of the pillow after finishing is done.
I won't go into great detail about the lace again, as I have done this in previous posts labeled "Needlepoint Lace" - as well as it's being the subject of my article in the current issue of Needlepoint Now. It is just a simple matter of playing around with small elements to replicate the look of crocheted lace edgings. In this case, the "picot" edge with it's little bump stitches is composed of smyrna crosses. The size of the inner field is drawn in white paper, traced onto canvas, and the center marked - then, starting in the center, the lace is drawn and turned at the appropriate place on the corner. The threads used here are from Vineyard Silks - I really like the effect. We had to outline the initials to make them "entertwine." This effect is also possible to do on fabric by using waste canvas - I use the 18 mesh for narrow edgings. I simply mark the lace onto the waste canvas with the same black Pilot pen I use on needlepoint canvas - (or an ultra fine Sharpie in lieu of the Pilot.)