Designing has been my life's work, and I do enjoy it - but it still requires a self discipline and occassionally long and strange hours to meet deadlines. Needlework and pottery are also very therapeutic for me - and I don't do nearly enough lately "just for myself." I must work on that - and throw in a bit of gardening and walking when the weather cools down. A good balance in these aspects of my life!
As for the September Crazy Quilt - it's done, and I'm pleased with it (at least for now.) The first step in the embellishment, after the seam treatments, was to stitch in the background leaves, following the curve. This was done with 4mm ribbon from RiverSilks, which is beautiful stuff, and it holds up well in the stitching. The little asters were begun by just placing them one at a time wherever my eye landed - using 2mm silk ribbon from Thread Arts of Houston. It's great ribbon, and the only 2mm I've been able to find - it works well and doesn't fray at all. I chose the 2mm, as the asters have tiny petals and this gave the best effect. The close-up illustrates the beginning of an aster, and how to manage to make it round - I just place five petals in the size and shape I need, and then go around the flower filling in with more petals until it looks right. The centers were done when the flowers were finished, and are French knots made with Splendor silk. Beads were added when everything else was finished.