The surface texture effects are amazing - even among just the cotton threads, which include Pearl cotton, floss, and the Variations Peal cotton. Then the shine of the rayon (Satin Floss) really shows up beautifully.
I was careful, in this case, to place the stitches so there were no "ragged" edges so that the Memory Thread could be added smoothly. This shows up well on the pink triangles of Satin mosaic stitch where it ends against the orange "V."

In this photo, the M. thread isn't tacked down, but I wanted to show the wonderful definition it will give when outlining the V's. The burnt orange color really shows up well, whereas I think it would have been lost if I had used the original idea to do the same color in cotton floss for the backgrounds.
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Wow Judy! That come out lovely.
You must have used the turbo charged needles! Nice work! Maybe we can get a future picture of it finished?
Hi Judy,
Very pretty and I like the definition that the Memory thread will give the overall design. :-)
Let us know what DMC thinks of the finished design.
Windy Meadow
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