"It is good to know the truth, but it is better to speak of palm trees." (ancient Sumerian proverb.) This beautiful cross was a gift to my daughter-in-law (north Florida) from her mother, who joined us, to my delight, for Christmas. - she lives in Lafayette, La. where crawdads are referred to as "crayfish." She assures me that the difference is that crawdads grow in creeks where little boys catch them for fish bait - and crayfish are carefully cultivated in rice paddies. Anyway, there were some wonderful dishes prepared (to the tune of a lot of laughter) while I was there - with names I can't pronounce. This cross was made by a ceramic artist in Lafayette - Denise Broussard, and has a brief history of the palm tree, which is new to me. They were cultivated in Mesopotamia as long ago as 6,000 years, and in ancient Egypt, they were embossed on Hebrew coins as a symbol of strength. In Biblical times, the palm was a symbol of victory and well-being, and so became the symbol of the victory of the faithful over the enemies of the soul - by the Christians. The stately palm tree remains today still as a symbol of protection, strength, and victory. Consider that the palm tree bends with the storm, but doesn't break. I believe this charming cross was purchased at Natalee's gift shop in Lafayette. Anyway - this is a bit of interest I wanted to present, as I am enchanted with both the clay sculpture and with the history, of which I was unaware. It will also buy me a bit of time while I am still planning the second installment of my trip to Florida - adventures at Hook Wreck Henry's. A footnote: This is also available with two palm trees, which stand for the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. My DIL's mother lost her brother during Katrina. I am also glad to see a "hurricane blessing" on the wall at Charlie and Marion's house, as there was much damage done by Ivan - especially at Panacea, where I had so much fun at the "rainbow houses."