Monday, January 21, 2008

TIF Stitching the "Fabrics"

The handicap with this project is that it is rather slow having to stitch the "fabrics." I wanted to stick to the five beautiful colors selected for this Challenge by SharonB. for this month - but when I got to what I call "eggplant" - the dark, gorgeous purple, (Splendor silk by Rainbow Gallery) - it turned almost black due to the way the light is broken up on the surface by the small stitches. Sooooo I had to rip it out and replace with a lighter purple that didn't look so harsh. For the yellowish green patch, I used Soie Cristale silk by Caron in "double" stitch, but put little stitches of Kreinik metallic ribbon in the blank spaces instead of the silk - it almost looks like a netting over lame' to do it this way. The Petite Very Velvet light purple patch is basketweave, which is about all one can do with this fiber - and I love it!! The other two patches, the dark green and the blue/green are YLI Ribbon floss. The dark is Scotch stitch, which I work diagonally to prevent warping the canvas, and the lighter blue/green is done in Nobuko. Great effect with the light on it!!. I will finish stitching the patches in a day or two after I get my other work done, and then the best part of this challenge for me - the embellishment!!! By putting it away for a day or two, it will probably "speak" to me when I'm not so tired of looking at it, and when I'm more relaxed.


MargB said...

This is beautiful - I love how you have 'spoken' the colours

allie aller said...

Your stitching is absolutely exquisite here.
You are so good at what you do, it continues to amaze me!

coral-seas said...

Already the 'fabrics' are looking lovely. I can't wait to see how is looks with seem treatments and embellishments


NCPat said...

Judy, these stitches are gorgeous in the fibers, and your fabrics are a beautiful base!

Paula Hewitt said...

Lovely work. Im very impressed

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous. Lovely texture and beautiful stitching!

cindy said...

Beautiful stitching!. I also like the round format.

Jacqui said...

This is going to be one classy jewel case top. Your stitching is beautiful and the colours seem to be spot on.

Barbara Hagerty said...

This is very lovely! Your stitching is superb, and clicking on it to see it enlarged, it is just gorgeously done! You can even see the detail of the mettalic threads! Beautiful design, too!

Maria del Valle said...

I love your work is very nice and you are right in take a distance, for to see a little better.
I chose the idea
A kiss for you

Maria del Valle

Granny Fran said...

Since I never got beyond my Paternayan wool yarn, I'm amazed to see what all these new silk, and other types of thread can do for a piece. I've gotten so behind with blogs since my Dad died at Thanksgiving, and I see that you have been busy with all kinds of wonderful things. Thanks to you I am now a subscriber to Needlepoint Now and love your columns. I reverted to needlepoint during the worst of my grief, it was more soothing than my quilting.