I've packed up to move from one residence to another three times in the last few months, and am worn out, crabby, and just plain mean at times. I can't find anything, and it's maddening. However, as long as my computer works, and I have my coffee maker, paint brushes and plenty of canvas and something to stitch, I'll survive one more time. The Imari isn't the first one I did - I can't find a picture of it right now.
I started out in Tyler in 1969 when a woman brought me a gorgeous Imari saucer and asked me if I could put it onto needlepoint canvas for her. That was a long time ago, and I have continued to design from the antique porcelains whenever I run across something magnificent. This is from a plate my oldest son gave me in 1995. There were two of them, but I can't find a picture of the other one.

The Alpine Meadows tartan is almost finished - and needs a bit of light blocking with a steam iron. I've really enjoyed working on this one! Incidentally, I just posted a tutorial on stitching gingham checks on a circular shape over on Freebies, etc.
The ladies in the U.K. are amazed at the terminology we use - I was told in a comment that all of this is "tartan" and they've not heard of the term "plaid." I had researched this in curiosity a while back - and it's true that they are all one and the same - woven fabric with a pattern created by stripes horizontal and vertical meeting at 90 degree angles are referred to as "TARTAN." Interesting!!